MOMMACHA strictly uses the United States Postal Service as its delivery carrier and recommends this option to its vendors. We try to give our customer the best pricing options and delivery methods. The U.S. Postal Service delivers to more places and has been operational longer than any other carrier service. Once your order is received our vendors have 24 hours to fulfill your order. Be aware that custom made items may vary in time. If this time exceeds 5 days the vendor will notify the customer. Once the order is completed a shipping label will be generated and a notice will be sent out by email. Our normal delivery time once order is fulfilled is 3 to 5 business days, unless expedited.
The dimensions of our boxes correlates to the USPS boxes and the standard is the same. If it fits it ships at the price that is listed on our site.
Media mail shipping is only for cds & books. When selecting this item know that your item will arrive approximately 10 days after order fulfillment.
The postal service do offer insurance if a package is lost or damaged. There is a time frame to collect your insurance amount. Please check for this service. If you would like to insure your delivery please choose this option at check out or email us at ad***@28********.com.
If you do not choose this option we can only give a refund according to our refund policy.